Lab Director Designation - (ELC)

The Office of Environmental Laboratory Certification must be notified as soon as possible when there is a change in Laboratory Director. The Laboratory Director is defined by Regulation 61-81, as that person that has been given the responsibility by the laboratory's governing body (owners, directors, commissioners, councilmen, mayor, board members or who so ever occupies the status of proprietor) of supervising the operations of the laboratory and insuring the quality of data reported.
For changes in the Laboratory Director the following documentation must be submitted:

  • Laboratory Director Designation Form Letter : This letter must be documented on the Laboratory's letterhead reflecting the legal name of the company.
  • Laboratory Director Qualifications: Include pertinent work experience and training.

The certificate issued to the certified laboratory documents the name of the Laboratory Director and therefore must accurately document the name of the Laboratory Director. All official correspondence concerning the laboratory will be mailed to the designated Laboratory Director.

